Insurance ServicesTrauma Cover & Critica Illness Insurance

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance provides critical financial protection in the event of a debilitating illness or injury that renders you unable to work. It offers a lump sum payment to ease the financial burden during these challenging times.

Asti Advisory is committed to securing TPD insurance policies that are tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring you’re prepared for the unexpected. Our experts work closely with several industry providers to set out favourable terms, providing the assurance you need for a secure financial future.

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Looking for
Total & Permanent
Disability Insurance?


At Asti Advisory, our experts offer a specialised service to ensure you can access quality TPD insurance solutions that are closely aligned with your individual needs. We liaise with top providers to source the most competitive terms and comprehensive coverage, giving you peace of mind during unexpected life challenges.

Expert Claims AssistanceOur experienced advisors manage the process on your behalf to secure a positive result.
Specialised KnowledgeWe stay updated on the latest laws and regulations, ensuring you receive advice that is current and compliant.

Benefit Maximisation

When it comes to the complexities of TPD insurance, Asti Advisory excels in this area. We ensure you receive the full compensation you are entitled to if you experience a qualifying disability.

Our advisors carefully analyse your policy’s terms and conditions, working to uncover any potential avenues for maximising your benefits. We understand that during challenging times, every dollar matters, and we’re dedicated to helping you secure the maximum financial support available under your policy.

With Asti Advisory by your side, you can have confidence that your TPD insurance benefits will be optimised to provide the financial relief you need in the event of a life-changing disability.

Speak to our Advisors

Oversee The Entire Claims Process

At Asti Advisory, we take the burden off your shoulders by managing the entire TPD claims process from start to finish. Our experienced team ensures that all necessary documentation is thoughtfully prepared, submitted, and tracked.

We engage with insurance companies on your behalf, handle any inquiries or requests for additional information, and work hard to expedite the process. It is our mission to minimise your stress and ensure a smooth claims experience, allowing you to focus on your well-being during what can be a challenging time.

By overseeing the entire claims process, you can trust that your interests are being represented effectively and professionally.

Our Personalised Insurance Process

Experience insurance that’s truly tailored to your unique needs at Asti Advisory. We’re committed to delivering exceptional service and crafting personalised solutions that ensure every aspect of the process aligns perfectly with your needs.

Our Process